
Came to think about it
Another 10 days to December 2018

What do we do during 2017?
What is the great achievement have we accomplished?
How many problem have we solved?
And, do you find your own happiness?

Neither happy nor unhappy
Its equal
Depends on the situations i had
With whom i closed to

Its normal to have ups and down
But i do appreciate those who stay
In fact i know
Nothing ever stay permanent

I do love my friends
I do love him
I do love everyone who's with me

Nahh, dont read it emotionally.


The best thing in life are 'free' 
Breathing is so natural 
So effortless 
But we people take it for granted

Everything is temporary

The page you're reading now
The chair you're sitting on
The bed you're laying on
The street you're walking to
The bright blue sky 
Will fade into dark night

Moments will continue to grow and exchange

To the point we reaching to the end
Where we'll go when we no longer
Walk in this Earth

 It's scary but it's comforting

No matter what we're going through
No matter matter how heavy the burden
At least we know and realize
That breakage won't last forever

Nothing stay permanent

These emotions
These body
These beating hearts
Everything is temporary

One day, you'll realize that you had the strength to carry through.


I find myself at a dead end
Or a crossroads
Or on a path lead to nowhere

That was a stage in life

I don't know, We don't know
What's going to be in future
Are we happy with what we have
Are we regretting decisions we made today

We can't figure out the whole future

Sometimes twists
Sometimes turns
We don't what's coming next

Just go with it

Opportunity might knocking
But if you don't answer the door
How can you take advantage of it?

Opportunities happen when they happen
Life is often about trying things and realizing
what we don't want to be when we "grow up"
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